A Holiday Inspired Chair Yoga Sequence…Created by Artifical Intelligence.

The input: Create a humorous, holiday-inspired chair yoga sequence

1. Turkey Trot: Begin seated in easy cross-legged position. Reach both hands up above your head, as if stretching for a turkey, then move your arms out to the side and back in again, as if you are a “turkey trotting” away.

2. Cookie Crunch: Bring your hands to your chest and stretch your arms out wide, as if you are holding a large cookie. Crunch your arms in and out as if you are breaking the cookie apart.

3. Hot Cocoa Hug: Reach both arms out to the side and hug yourself with a big smile on your face, as if you’re sipping a warm cup of cocoa. Allow yourself to give yourself a big squeeze.

4. Jingle Bell Rock: Cross your legs, tuck your toes and rock side to side with your arms up in the air, as if you’re shaking jingle bells.

5. Snow Angel: Lie back on your chair and stretch your arms and legs out wide, as if you’re making a snow angel. Flap your arms and legs up and down, as if you’re making your very own snow angel.

6. Tinsel Twist: Sit tall and reach your arms up above your head. Cross your arms so that your left hand is on your right shoulder and your right hand is on your left shoulder. Twist your torso to the right and then to the left, as if you’re shaking tinsel on a Christmas tree.

7. Sleigh Ride: Sit tall and reach both arms out in front of you, as if you’re holding onto a sleigh. Lean forward and back, as if you’re riding atop a sleigh.

8. Reindeer Run: Begin seated in easy cross-legged position. Reach your arms up above your head and then race them down in front of you, as if you’re running like a reindeer.

9. Holiday Hug: Bring your feet together and wrap your arms around your legs, giving yourself a big hug. Stay here for a few breaths and feel the warmth and love of the holiday season.


10 Tips for New Yoga Teachers…Created by Artifical Intelligence


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