We're All Bowing To Something

We're all bowing to something.

Whether you call it religion or spirituality, faith or god, work or family, Instagram or video games, we are all giving reverence to something.

So what do you bow to? Whose "feet" do you kiss? Much of the time our devotion is on autopilot, and calling it devotion might feel weird. But you've got 24 hours in a day. A large part of that your eyes and ears and touch are all focused on certain activities-- deeply entrenched in doing that thing or being the type of person who does that thing. So today take a closer look at what you're bowing towards. Some I'm sure serve you greatly, while others... well, you know. Sometimes it's worth looking at those metaphorical (or literal) feet that you're kissing.

And perhaps you are bowing to ALL of it! The trash, the trees, the TV, the lover and beloved, the coke cola, the McDonald's and the kale salad, too. See, there's something beautiful about bowing to ALL of it... acknowledging that God or divinity or grace or the universe exists equally in all things. Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe there is no god and it's all just science. I have no clue, and despite your beliefs and assurances, you don't either my dear. And that's cool. So I bow to those that I love, and also those that I don't; I bow to the beauty and the disgust; I bow to my teachers and my family and the very ground beneath my feet. Let's make our bowing more intentional... to, at a minimum notice whose/what "feet" we are kissing, and also missing. Sorry. Had to rhyme there.

So tell me, WHAT are you devoted to now.. and what would you LIKE to be more devoted to moving forward? Go!


A Holiday Inspired Chair Yoga Sequence…Created by Artifical Intelligence.


This, Too, Shall Pass!